Gush Etzion Foundation

Israel at war – Help soldiers in Gush Etzion

As you know, across the country hundreds of thousands of soldiers, men and women, were called up to defend Eretz Yisrael. 

We witnessed countless poignant farewells between spouses, parents and children and friends. The images of these embraces, the gazes between loved ones who do not know if they will see each other again  are moments etched in our hearts.

The Gush Etzion Foundation has been working to provide support and assistance across the region:

1. The foundation has actively supported first response teams from all 22 communities in Gush Etzion, ensuring they have essential supplies. This includes the acquisition of over 250 tactical helmets, 130 high-powerd flashlights, 80 ceramic vests, 70 headlamps, and night vision apparatus to enhance their capabilities.

2. Many soldiers called up to protect Gush Etzion left their homes within minutes to answer the call of duty. We are working to ensure they have access to essential provisions such as soap, shampoo, blankets, as well as vital equipment including first aid kits.

3. In partnership with the Jewish National Fund – USA, we are offering accommodations to over 250 residents from the south. The foundation is also organizing meals and clothing for them.

4. The foundation is sponsoring programs across the communities of Gush Etzion to help the families of those killed and those taken captive as well as helping children contend with the tense and challenging situation around them.

Acheynu Am Yisrael, we need your support.

Please help us now by CLICKING HERE.  

Also, please pray for the safe return of our soldiers and kidnapped civilians.

With hope and determination,


Gabi Harow, Director, The Gush Etzion Foundation

And the entire Gush Etzion Foundation staff

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