Gush Etzion Foundation

Family Center

 Our main goal is to provide these children and families from socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods with the tools they need to overcome their educational, emotional and social difficulties.
More than 300,000 Israeli children are at-risk and nearly one million are living below the poverty line. These children are often subject to violence and neglect and lack opportunities to grow and develop socially, emotionally and cognitively. We believe that each child has the right to a safe and happy childhood filled with love and support.
Our Family Center offers psychological counseling and creative therapy for individuals, parent-child pairs, families and groups to foster the family relationship and allow for a positive impact on the child’s development. As part of our therapeutic education centers and in partnership with local schools and the Ministry of Education, we also operate two literacy programs, one for young children before entering school and one to improve literacy skills of school age children.
At the Family Center we work with our children & families on a personal level, treating each child and family with respect and concern for their wellbeing. Through psychological counseling, after school programs and various weekly events we strongly encourage our kids’ personal growth as creative, educated, confident individuals.

Item Details Cost (in USD)
After School Educational Therapy Centers This program serves over 400 children and their family members each year.
1 month 720
6 months 4,320
1 year 8,640
3 years 25,920
Parent-Child Center This program serves over 800 children and their family members each year.
6 months 5,560
1 year 11,120
3 years 16,700
Literacy Program This program serves over 250 children and their family members each year.
6 months 415
1 year 2,500
3 years 5,000
Operating one of Yad Rachel Centers
1 year 580,000
Total project cost:

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