Gush Etzion Foundation

Simchat Shani

The Simchat Shani Fund was established in memory of  8.5 year-old Simcha Shani Duke a”h who was killed in a road accident while returning home from school in Gush Etzion. Shani is remembered for her giving nature and delightful personality.  She brought joy and happiness to everyone who surrounded her, especially less fortunate children with special needs. It seemed only fitting to eternalize her memory by continuing to bring her happy and joyful spirit to families in need. The Simchat Shani Fund helps needy families celebrate their happy .occasions with dignity and joy. To date, hundreds of families have been able to put aside their troubles for one evening and celebrate their important events with their family and friends

The help comes in many different forms, determined by the individual needs of the families and the events. Besides offering grants and interest-free loans, the Fund often provides  photographers, waiters, and musicians, most of whom volunteer their services. On many occasions, the Fund has even purchased new clothing for the family for the event. .Two wonderful men from Gush Etzion often prepare the food for the festive dinner forming a parade of pots and pans as they bring their sumptuous delicacies into the Simchat Shani Hall

The Simchat Shani Hall

Hundreds of families have celebrated their bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, brit milas and other happy occasions in the beautifully decorated Simchat Shani Hall. Profits from renting the hall are used to provide less fortunate families with whatever they need to make their simchas complete and to enable them to celebrate in an elegant environment.

Other Activities

Purim Cards

Purim Charity Cards, colorfully illustrated by Shani, can be purchased through the Fund. These cards are sent to friends fulfilling the special Purim commandment of Gifts for the Needy.

Road Safety Education

Inspired by residents of Elazar, the Simchat Shani Fund initiated a unique Road Safety Program for children, guided by the adage, “He who has saved the life of one soul is as if he has saved .”an entire world

After learning about the dangers on the road, each child in the program receives a special card and stickers.  The parents add a sticker to the card whenever the child buckles his seat belt, wears a helmet while bicycling, or crosses the street safely. When the card is full, the child is entitled to a prize. Besides acquiring good road safety habits at an early age, these children !”serve as constant reminders to their parents to “Buckle Up

From Our Mailbox

.Thank you for your extraordinary help in making our wedding such a happy occasion. You warmed and gladdened our hearts and instilled within us the spirit of love and faith
:In the words of an immigrant bride
. Not only did you undertake the organization of the wedding itself but you enabled my parents to come from abroad to be with me on my most joyous day. You are truly G-d’s agents … you !made my dream come true
A few years ago our family suffered a terrible trauma. Our general mood and, as a result, our financial situation deteriorated rapidly. In the midst of all of this despair our daughter reached bat mitzva age.  Lacking mental strength and financial means  there was no way we could consider a celebration.…You organized the most wonderful event.  The hall was set up as for a wedding…the food was delicious and presented elegantly… for us, the atmosphere was magical! I thank G-d and you, His shlichim, for bringing light into our lives of darkness.


!”A mother of a bar mitzva boy wrote, “In the middle of the joyous dancing I suddenly found myself thinking, ‘I don’t ever want to wake up from this wonderful dream

We invite you to partner with us in this great mitzvah of bringing joy to families in difficult times.

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