Gush Etzion Foundation

Our Synagogue in Migdal Oz

Jewish Continuity
Migdal Oz is home to some 70 families, with over 150 children. It maintains the principles of the old-style kibbutzim. It has succeeded in attracting young couples and new immigrants. In addition a special conversion program operates in the community. It is not uncommon to see three generations of the same family walking the paths of the kibbutz, sitting together in the synagogue and communal dining hall and celebrating life-cycle events together.

Our Synagogue – Building for the Future
As the community grows, so do our needs. The biggest building challenge facing the community today is the synagogue. It is the spiritual center of the community where members gather to pray, learn, celebrate happy events and commemorate sad ones. Our challenge today is to meet the future needs of our growing community. The synagogue to date is not large enough. More space is necessary to accommodate our growing population. This would include adding an upper level, facilities for the disabled and handicapped and additional furnishings.

Total project cost:

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