Gush Etzion Foundation

Nokdei Shaul Synagogue – Nokdim


Nokdei Shaul Synagogue – Nokdim

In the community of Nokdim, a new neighborhood is being built known as “Nokdei Shaul.” There are 146 units going up in the first phase of the project with 32 scheduled to be built in the second phase.  Residents are scheduled to start moving in, in March, 2022.

The neighborhood is located far from the existing community, and therefore a new synagogue was approved to meet the spiritual needs of the residents there.  The estimated cost of the facility is around $2.2 million.

So far around $1.2 million was raised, but another $1 million is needed to complete the project.

Background on Nokdim

Nokdim is located in Eastern Gush Etzion, within the jurisdiction of the Gush Etzion Regional Council.  It is south of Jerusalem, between Bethlehem and Hebron.

The community was founded in 1982, and originally called, “El-David” in  memory of two residents from the nearby community of Tekoa: Eli Pressman Z”L who fell in the First Lebanon War, and David Rosenfeld Z”L who was murdered the same week in a terror attack.

Today around three hundred and twenty families live in the community.  It is a diverse and colorful community with residents who are ideologically committed to contributing to the welfare of the State of Israel. There is a true sense of brotherhood along with mutual respect between neighbors in Nokdim.


We are making every effort possible in order that the synagogue is completed in time for the residents’ arrival in the new neighborhood.

Please partner with us, in this important endeavor!

Total project cost:

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