Gush Etzion Foundation

Elyashiv’s Path



Elyashiv Lubitz

Elyashiv Lubitz was born in 1994, and raised in Neve Daniel, Gush Etzion. He was always connected to the land of Israel and sought out opportunities to help others and add goodness and kindness to the world. He volunteered in many places including “Simcha Layeled” helping children with chronic diseases.  He was very dedicated and thoughtful and often put the needs of others in front of his own.

Lubitz Family and their connection with Sde Boaz

Sde Boaz was established in 2000, as a response to the 2nd Intifada in an effort to ensure a continuous Jewish presence between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem. The Lubitz family who had been living in Neve Daniel for over 30 years, was among the handful of families that supported this new Yishuv from the very beginning. Elyashiv became very connected to Sde Boaz and would walk there under all conditions–extreme heat, snow, etc. to make sure that they had a minyan on Shabbat and holidays.

Eliyashiv’s Preparation for the Army

From a young age, Elyashiv loved to hike and explore in Gush Etzion and to find The Gush’s hidden treasures in nature. He trained on these beautiful paths for the army. He passed rigorous exams for placement in the army and was accepted into the top elite commando unit (Sayeret Matkal). While running on the path he loved so much, the path between Neve Daniel and Sde Boaz, at the age of 18, Elyashiv suddenly collapsed and passed away.

It was on the same path that it is believed that our forefathers Abraham walked towards the binding of Isaac. It was on this path that so many before him had travelled to reach the Holy Temple.

Remembering Eliyashiv

During the shiva, Elyashiv’s friends made a memorial of rocks, on that path, in the place where Elyashiv collapsed. Soon after, his family added benches for hikers to rest, and a scenic lookout. Over the past ten years, his family continues to develop this area and memorialize Elyashiv. Local residents and visitors from across the country and abroad come to the area to enjoy the beauty and calm. The community in Sde Boaz dedicated the prayer hall in their new synagogue in memory of Elyashiv, in appreciation of his commitment to the community.

The Project

We would like to build a scenic lookout in this area so that people can see the region’s magnificent beauty. It will face the north with stunning views of the east and west as well.

With your generosity, we hope to make this area a special spot for all to see the beauty around us.




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