Gush Etzion Foundation

A multi-purpose building for joint activities

Geva’ot is located south of Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, toward Bet Shemesh, and the Elah Valley in the Forest of The Lamed Heh. The site was originally designated an IDF outpost and since then has become a residential community.
In 2012, in cooperation and with the help of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, Geva’ot became home to Sadnat Shiluv – an organization founded 17 years ago for the purpose of advancing youth with special needs and integrating them in the community. As part of its activity, the organization created a special-ed campus that integrates a wide range of special needs, as well as an employment framework and housing for young adults with these challenges.
In keeping with the organization’s vision and the ideal of integration, Sadnat Shiluv has attracted a group of families that views integration as a way of life and aspires to create an accepting, integrated community with the school and the specially adapted housing project at its center. Thus, a vibrant community has grown around the institutions.
To date the community consists of 40 families, as well as program graduates who participate fully in communal life and are actively involved in social activities as well as prayer services in the synagogue. Each resident in the housing project has an adopted family that hosts him/her for meals during the week, on Shabbat and on festivals. In addition, the community boasts an early-childhood day-care center, kindergarten, youth movement, library, synagogue and mikveh.
Project: A multi-purpose building for joint activities
The community organizes many joint activities, such as a “kiddush” on Shabbat, festival meals, cultural evenings, etc. At present there is no communal structure suited to such activities and they are held outside.

Item Details Cost (in USD)
Construction 149,860
Drywall 24,000
Aluminium 20,000
Electricity 22,100
Kitchenette, restrooms 34,180
Landscaping and infrastructure 85,000
Equipment 23,500
Total project cost: 358,640

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