Gush Etzion Foundation

Gush Etzion Ambulance Campaign (Nokdim)

Over the past few years, Eastern Gush Etzion, and the community of Nokdim in particular, has started flourishing with many new families calling Nokdim home. There are currently 146 homes being built now and 300 additional homes in the planning stages.

The services offered to our residents have expanded, along with new schools, kindergartens, children’s programming, medical clinics, businesses, and more.

At the same time, there is a growing need for emergency medical first-response services, including the ability to quickly evacuate residents to the nearest hospital in Jerusalem for treatment.

An ambulance evacuation takes place every other day on average, with our volunteer first-responders always ready to spring into action.

Whether a woman goes into labor, there is an accident at home, a traffic accident nearby, or other instances where medical care in required – at times including CPR, our teams are ready to save lives.

In Nokdim we have over 30 dedicated first-response volunteers, with 15 of them who are qualified ambulance drivers, on-call 24/7.  The residents are grateful and recognize the importance of having these emergency volunteers as part of the community.

Unfortunately our current ambulance is very old, and in very bad shape, and often times is in the mechanic’s shop for repairs after years of wear and tear.

Therefore The Gush Etzion Foundation along with local residents of Nokdim, The Gush Etzion Regional Council and the “Rescuers Without Borders” organization have decided to team up (with the backing of Magen David Adom – MDA) in order to purchase a new ambulance.  So far $40,000 has been raised, but we are lacking another $80,000 to complete the project.

The total cost is $120,000 for a fully equipped ambulance.

Having a fully functioning ambulance available can be the difference between life and death during an emergency.

We ask that you please consider assisting in the funding of this important endeavor, and partner with us to save lives.

Item Details Cost (in USD)
Total project cost: $120,000

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