Gush Etzion Foundation

A multi-purpose community center- Pnei Kedem

Project: A multi-purpose community center
An existing community structure, consisting of three interconnected mobile units in dilapidated condition, is currently being used for meetings and communal events, as a play area for toddlers and as the Bnei Akiva youth club. The children and youth spend a significant portion of their time here, playing, reading, and enjoying each other’s company. The structure is “renovated” each year by the residents and the youth, until weather conditions and wear-and-tear take their toll and it starts to fall apart again. Thorough and long lasting renovations that will make the structure a more pleasant and comfortable leisure and activities center for the community’s younger generation will require funding beyond the residents’ ability.

Item Details Cost (in USD)
Inner and outer walls 17,700
Aluminum (windows, doors) 18,500
Flooring 16,500
paint 16,500
.Electricity 10,000
Total project cost: 89,200

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